esmaltes pinturas industriales
1 imprimaciones

A slight difference in colour shade and nuance can be a real headache during any painting process if you do not have the help of a tinting system.

No matter what industry domain you are in, the main function of paint and coatings suppliers will always be to ensure an appropriate and instant response to any colour requirement the customers may have. And this is where implementing a tinting system and by extension tinting is particularly important.


    Thanks to the use of a tinting system, both the distributor and the customer will have the possibility to access different colour charts with thousands of options available.

    In addition, tinting offers the possibility of obtaining almost any colour formula from a physical support, thanks to the use of a spectrophotometer. This way, the entire supply chain can benefit from the agility and efficiency provided by tinting machines.

    What is a tinting system?

    The tinting system is a coating and paint preparation system composed of different components that interact with each other (converters or binders, colour bases, dispensing machine, colour software, formulas, etc.) to obtain an exact colour.

    system urki envase

    Each manufacturer, within its tinting system, will have different colour charts with thousands of options available to service different sectors such as: industry, automobile, industrial vehicles, decoration, wood lacquering, protective coatings, tool machine, nautical, etc.

    It is an ideal way to offer the customer any colour shade, at the exact time and in the amount required.

    In addition to the colour charts that are integrated in the system, this system gives the possibility to adapt any existing colour chart or reproduce any colour requirement (personalised service) by sending a colour sample on a physical support (metal part, etc.).

    Tinting systems can be used in industrial facilities such as in warehouses and shops.

    It is an ideal way to offer the customer any colour shade, at the exact time and in the amount required, while ensuring a high matching level and reproducibility.

    BESA has an advanced universal tinting system, URKI-SYSTEM, developed to provide an effective response to customer needs in terms of speed, product range, quantity and price.

    Es una forma ideal de ofrecer al cliente cualquier tono de color en la calidad de producto requerida y en el momento exacto, asegurando al mismo tiempo una alta igualación y reproductividad de color.

    En BESA contamos con un avanzado sistema tintométrico universal, URKI-SYSTEM, desarrollado para dar una eficaz respuesta a las necesidades de nuestros clientes en términos de rapidez, gama de productos, cantidad y precio.

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    The use of state-of-the-art tinting equipment such as URKI-SYSTEM will help you to obtain high precision and matching in the chosen paint colour. The quality of its dispensers and tinting components allows greater agility and simplification of the colour creation process.

    URKI-SYSTEM offers access to thousands of colours from the most widely used charts worldwide and continuous research into new colour formulas

    This tinting system offers excellent colourimetry, in addition to continuously developing and research of new formulas.

    It gives access to thousands of colours of the most used colour charts worldwide: RAL, UNE, AFNOR, PANTONE, BRITISH STANDARD, NCS, etc. in addition to the car, industrial vehicles, fleets, farm machinery and corporate colours.

    It offers therefore an excellent opportunity for customers to become their own paint factory, increasing their autonomy, agility, efficiency and quality of service.

    How does a tinting system work?

    To achieve the desired quality and shade, BESA’s R&D Department carries out tests with pigment dispersions and different converters or binders, which is essential to obtain a high-quality product and colour.

    Once these tests have proved satisfactory, the new formulas are imported into the database of the tinting system.

    Thus, the colour management program will be able to carry out accurate calculations to obtain the exact shade, allowing the production of tailor-made colour samples in the required quantity of product.

    From a base paint (converter or binder), the automatic dosing tinting machine applies a series of toners or pastes depending on the type of colour chosen.

    Both components are then shaken to obtain a homogeneous and regular mixing. This way, the new generated colour would be ready for application.

    En paralelo, el equipo de coloristas es el encargado de formular los diferentes tonos y colores, que serán adaptables a cualquier calidad de acabado. Posteriormente, estas nuevas fórmulas son importadas a la base de datos del sistema tintométrico.

    De este modo, el programa de gestión de color podrá realizar cálculos precisos para la obtención del tono exacto, permitiendo la producción de muestras de color a medida y en la cantidad de producto requerida.

    A partir de una pintura base (convertidor o binder), la máquina tintométrica de dosificación automática aplica una serie de tintes o pastas en función del tipo de color elegido.

    Posteriormente se agitan ambos componente para obtener una mezcla homogénea y regular. De este modo, el nuevo color generado estaría ya listo para su aplicación.

    Main advantages of using a tinting system

    The use of a tinting system provides many advantages that allow greater agility and efficiency in the supply of paints and coatings:

    • Customised service: the possibility of offering a totally customized tinting service to the customer aimed at covering all their needs, increasing the quality of the service offered and its added value.
    • Easy access to any colour formula: in addition to having extensive databases of colour formulas, tinting allows for the replication of any formula or colour variation, from a physical support.
    • Immediacy: no more bottlenecks or waiting times. Any colour can be obtained instantly and in the amount desired.
    • More space and reduced stock: allows to free up storage space for other products or goods. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to have such a wide range of colours.
    • Cost reduction: contributes to product savings, thanks to exact and precise dosages for each colour requirement.
    • Autonomy: the use of a tinting system provides autonomy to the user, favouring agility and efficiency in their production processes.

    Components of a tinting system

    Colouring pastes

    The use of high-quality colouring pastes, such as those used in BESA will be critical to the success and to obtain the best finishes in the tinting system.

    Toners must guarantee excellent resistance to weathering or UV rays, colour reproducibility in the different batches, and compatibility and stability for possible long-lasting storage.

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    El uso de pastas colorantes de alta calidad, como las utilizadas en BESA, será fundamental para el éxito y la obtención de los mejores acabados en el sistema tintométrico.

    Los colorantes deben garantizar excelentes condiciones de resistencia a la intemperie o la luz, reproducibilidad de color en sus diferentes lotes, además de compatibilidad y estabilidad para un posible almacenamiento prolongado.

    Por otro lado, los convertidores o binders, Son los productos que aportan la calidad final a la pintura, pudiendo abarcar desde un esmalte sintético a un esmalte poliuretano 2C o esmalte epoxi 2C, y así hasta más de 50 calidades diferentes.

    Colour software

    The colour management software is a basic component in any tinting system. It is in charge of managing and preparing colour formulas and providing technical data sheets, labels, weight corrections, product prices, etc.

    sistema software urki system

    Colouring pastes

    The use of high-quality colouring pastes, such as those used in BESA will be critical to the success and to obtain the best finishes in the tinting system.

    Toners must guarantee excellent resistance to weathering or UV rays, colour reproducibility in the different batches, and compatibility and stability for possible long-lasting storage.

    urki sistema truck color system

    Dosing machines

    These allow the exact and precise dosage of the amount of paint required to be manufactured.

    maquina tintometrico sistema

    Stirring machine

    The stirring machine keeps the colouring pastes stirred. These are available for dosing, with the help of the dosing machine or the precision scale and the colour formula provided by the software.

    armario agitador

    Gyroscopic shaker

    It allows adding the colouring pastes immediately after their dosage on the converter.


    The spectrophotometer aims to provide a rapid response to the colour customisation needs that may be demanded by paint professionals.

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    As we have seen, tinting is a service with many advantages for both the distributor and the end customer.

    Reducing the supply times of any existing colour requirement, based on the use of tinting machines will help you increase business productivity and profitability, while gaining in autonomy and efficiency.