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For decades, BESA has defended respect for the environment with actions and deeds that have led to integrating a corporate culture focused on the search for sustainable solutions.


We develop solutions that allow us to continue growing while maintaining our commitment to the reality around us. This is why every day we strive to preserve this way of working and improve our value chain.

Integrating business objectives into a sustainable growth strategy has been a challenge and a great responsibility. And we are proud of it.


At BESA we have a strategic sustainability plan based on ISO 14001 Certification. It was not in vain that we were the first company in the paint and coatings sector to obtain this certification in 1999, being pioneers in the implementation of a comprehensive environmental management system and a comprehensive internal conduct guide aimed at reducing energy consumption, waste management and material recycling.

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Minimising the impact of packaging in the supply chain.

We develop work protocols and actions related to the prevention of packaging and recycling, which are presented annually to leading organisations in the sector such as ECOEMBES.

The recovery of in-process products and the use of sustainable materials such as plastics and recycled cardboard has allowed us to extend the life cycle of these materials.

We also pay special attention to reducing the weight and size of our packaging, such as cardboard boxes, drums or tins, which translates into a lower final consumption of packaging material.

As a result, our recycling rate is increasing year after year, minimising our dependence on external waste managers.


Innovation in manufacturing processes to reduce emissions and waste.

The use of advanced technology in our facilities has led to automating 70% of our manufacturing, which translates into a significant reduction in energy consumption.

We monitor energy consumption, implementing efficient manufacturing processes that favour the sustainability of the entire plant.

The use of a modern system of tankers, tanks and pipes for product transfer allows us to reduce by 300% the emission of volatile organic compounds into the atmosphere, avoiding the environmental impact and the danger of open processes. In addition, we managed to reduce raw material and packaging waste generation, and to improve wastewater treatment and thinner recovery.

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Products that contribute to developing a more sustainable and resilient infrastructure.

Since 1995, we have been collaborating with different institutional bodies to develop and approve projects aimed at creating sustainable solutions and a business model based on respect for the environment.

These actions have allowed us to cultivate a corporate culture that has favoured research into new product lines and sustainable services, one of our main objectives being the search for formulations that are as environmentally friendly as possible.

Much of the efforts of our research and quality departments have been directed towards the use of raw materials that are not harmful to the environment and to people, in an attempt to minimise the level of CMR substances (carcinogenic, mutagenic and reprotoxic).

As a result of all these actions and measures, we are currently at a level of less than 0.5% of organic compound emissions, up to 6 levels below the limit laid down in the current legal framework.


Close relationships with our suppliers to ensure sustainable practices.

Our environmental management plan and code of conduct establishes what we expect from our suppliers in the supply chain with respect to product quality, the environment, occupational health and safety.

This plan is mandatory for all our raw material suppliers and helps us to periodically evaluate them.

If a company does not meet our standards, we will ask them to commit to an improvement plan, or we will find an alternative supplier.