Base coat for solvent-based systems finished with the different BESA clearcoats for the bodywork or car refinish sector.
For applications and use in very high quality jobs in bi-coat or tri-coat systems for metallic, pearl effect and solid colors, offering a high hiding power. Combined with BESA putties, fillers and clearcoats, it guarantees a perfect vehicle finish, excellent gloss, aspect and durability.
It’s an easy-to-use system with an excellent performance, flexibility to repair and refinish any type of vehicle.
Developed for the application of all solid, metallic, pearl and special effects colors of any car manufacturer worldwide, ensuring the accuracy of the color.
The color chart is sorted in chromatic order, which is a great help when matching the colors. Furthermore, the use of the Spectrophotometer allows full access to the complete database, converting the color readings into the best and most accurate combination of colors.
Applying viscosity % Dilution | 15-20” URKISOL 8229 | URKISOL 3700 | URKISOL 3725 70-100% | |
Recommended Strainers | Utiliser filtres en papier BESA 125-190 μm | |
Gravity spraygun Application pressure | 1,3 – 1,4 mm | |
Nr. of layers Thickness | 1 légère, 1 normale + couche de control d’effet si nécessaire 15-25 μm | |
Thinner evaporation time | 5-10’ entre couches ou jusqu’au matage | |
Drying time 20°C (70°F) | 20-30' avant de vernir Temps limite pour repeindre 24h |
Base coat First Coat | Application URKIMIX PRO SB 5000 according to TDS | |
Applying viscosity % Dilution | 15-20” URKISOL 8229 | URKISOL 3700 | URKISOL 3725 70-100% | |
Recommended Strainers | Use BESA strainers 125-190 μm | |
Gravity spraygun Application pressure | 1,3 – 1,4 mm 1,5 - 2,2 bar/20-30 psi | |
Nr. of layers Thickness | Succesive coats for a correct matching | |
Thinner evaporation time | 5-10' between layers and until matt | |
Drying time 20°C (70°F) | 20-30' before applying the clearcoat Recoatability max. 24 hours |
Applying viscosity % Dilution | 15-20” URKISOL 8229 | URKISOL 3700 | URKISOL 3725 70-100% | |
Recommended Strainers | Use BESA strainers 125-190 μm | |
Gravity spraygun Application pressure | 1,3 – 1,4 mm 1,5-2,2 bar / 20-30 psi | |
Nr. of layers Thickness | 1,5-2 standard coats 15-25 μm/0.6-1 mils | |
Thinner evaporation time | 5-10' between layers or until matt. | |
Drying time 20°C (70°F) | 20-30' before applying the clearcoat Recoatability max. 24 h |
The application should start with a very thin layer to find out any possible mistake made during the preparation.
Continue with 1,5-2 regular coats for solid colors and 1 fade out control coat for effect, metallic or pearl colors. Flash-off between layers. With pearl and three-coat colors, apply thin layers until you achieve the original color. Prior to this, you must have applied the corresponding first coat which we advise to activate with 10% E-224 hardener.
With solid colors it’s very important not to exceed the recommended thickness in order to avoid thermoplastic phenomenon. It is recommended to activate the mixing 10% with E-224 hardener.
In spot repairs, it’s advisable to fade out. Apply the base coat to cover the repaired area, reduce the gun pressure and fade out the close areas. Flash-off until the whole area is evenly matt.
Degrease with SD-7/10, dry with a clean cloth and overpass a tack cloth.
It must be applied on thoroughly degreased surfaces and filled with BESACAR, BESAEXPRESS or BESAWET. On old paints or of unknown nature, it is recommended to apply a thin layer of the isolating filler BESAWET.
Recommendable to use the appropriate personal protective equipment during the application to avoid irritation of breathing tract, skin and eye irritation. Only for professional use.
Keep covered in a dry and ventilated place avoiding direct exposure to sunlight. We advise temperature above 5°C (50°F), recommended between 15-30°C (60-85°F).
The VOC content of URKIMIX PRO SB 5000 is higher than 420g/l.
The information contained in this Technical Specification Sheet is based on the knowledge and experience of the BESA technical department, and with it it’s intended to advice and inform, being the responsibility of the user to take the necessary measures to guarantee the intended purpose of the product. FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY.